

“Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters.” ~Nathanael Emmons One Saturday, driving to the office before a Habit Factor Group Challenge event, MG records this quick episode to underscore what seems to elude so many of us: that habit should be used as a tool, one that is consciously constructed, with practice, (following P.A.R.R.) to serve us unconsciously. This is what is meant by holistic thinking, rather than, "I don't believe in habit," as one "guru" put it to Martin, adding, "I only believe in mindfulness." That is both a noble and silly proposition. Habit isn't something one "believes" in. Habit isn't going anywhere, just like the moon isn't going anywhere. Thus, thinking holistically, one can intentionally cultivate the habits that will serve them unconsciously.  So, what habits are you making your servants? Enjoy the episode! How are you going to improve your results in 2021? Visit: TEXT your toughest #habits and #goals questions and be eligible