

“Visualization is the master skill of intent." Today's episode continues the New Year mini-series, CLARITY! If "beginning with the end in mind" works to make for a productive and successful day or week, you can bet it works to make for a productive and successful lifetime. Thus, the homework for each listener is to complete the various clarity exercises MG discusses. Brian Tracy likes to say that "Clarity probably accounts for eighty-percent of success and happiness while lack of clarity is responsible for the majority of frustration and unhappiness."  Recognizing that you are an extraordinary achievement machine means that you can, and should, with intention and effort, craft your ideal future and to do so, you must know what that ideal future looks like. Make the time NOW to get clear on your lifetime goals as well as your new year goals. The process is sure to bring immense value as well as add more meaning and direction to your present day activities. And, it will help you to identify the habits you must