

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” ~Abraham Lincoln Today’s Mind Bullet explores the famous Abraham Lincoln quote above, and like many of our mind bullets, we'll tackle it from a few different angles. In The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, the late, great Stephen Covey uses the above quote as part of the 7th habit, “Sharpen the Saw.” Sharpening the saw, (or axe), is about refreshing ourselves and making ourselves better. (Check out our Automaticity and Learning episodes for more on this idea.) Learning, working out, and taking care of ourselves are examples of sharpening the saw. Anything we do to better ourselves improves our efficiency and our effectiveness. When you devote time to your energy, your energy gives you back time. Effectiveness is doing the right things. Efficiency is doing them correctly. Little point in being efficient if we aren’t first effective. Listen in for more on sharpening the axe and saw to make yourself more efficient