

"Discipline is a habit: cultivate it." "No man is free who cannot command himself." Pythagoras If you are not in control of yourself (your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors), you will never know true freedom. In today's episode, MG shares how, for many years, he grappled with what appeared to be conflicting primary values: freedom and family. Upon further reflection, he made the realization that the banks of a river provide direction, power and strength. Similarly, a family also can provide the very same qualities: direction, power and strength. Thus, the values of family and freedom don't necessarily conflict; rather, family and freedom can be complementary values that guide our energy. A similar analogy can be made for tracking behaviors and habits while cultivating discipline. When we track our habits and behaviors, like the banks of a river, we add controls and constraints to our energy force, further guiding and directing our power. It turns out that we discover real freedom when we develop discipline in