

"The roots create the fruits; the fruits reveal the seeds." In today's episode, we invite Jen Grant back on the program to discuss our Mind-Bullet: The Fruit! What do ALL fruits have in common? Correct. Seeds! While we should probably be more focused on the process (our habits/the roots) that creates the fruits (money, car, big home, etc.), it turns out that focusing on the fruits reveals something extraordinarily important: seeds! Tony Robbins likes to say, "Success leaves clues!" MG seconds the observation and points out that fruit, by definition must contain seeds. Further, it's the seeds that offer the promise that, when planted and cared for within a conducive environment, they will produce rewards! Jen and MG further the analogy by referencing the resistance each seed experiences initially as it struggles to see the light of day. Similarly, its our efforts—building new habits—that experience extreme resistance as we put in the practice, work and discipline in order for the seeds to produce fruit. The gr