

"If you cannot be happy unloading a dishwasher, you cannot be happy." Today's episode is all about real happiness. Happiness involves a couple major ingredients: choice and gratitude. Consider for moment all the incredible "things" that must take place for you to be unloading your dishwasher. You can begin with the obvious: Unloading a dishwasher likely means you have eyes, hands, fingers, and arms, and that you're standing (legs and feet), for starters. Then, consider the first-world commodities at your disposal: plumbing, electricity, not to mention a home and shelter. Finally, if you're unloading a dishwasher, it likely means that you had some food to eat! Of course, the very same awareness should be applied to various other "chores": Laundry, making your bed, mowing the lawn, washing your car, maybe even being stuck in traffic! Thus, unloading the dishwasher is a terrific litmus test of one's capacity for true happiness. So, if you cannot be happy unloading the dishwasher, chances are good, you cannot be