

"Like painted kites, those days and nights they went flyin' by." ~Frank Sinatra (Summer Wind) Building off last week's episode, "Bridging the Gap," this week, we review a force that makes progress possible: TIME! Some view time like the flow of a river. Brian Tracy uses the analogy of a delivery truck backing up to deliver 24 fresh hours each new day. MG loves Sinatra's imagery of days "flyin' by like painted kites" from his hit song, "Summer Wind." Whichever imagery you choose, there's no mistaking just how quickly "The DAYS" go flyin' by. To illustrate, MG tries an experiment—an exercise—and asks the listeners to give it a try. This is an Arnold Schwarzenegger exercise called "The Vacuum," where you attempt to suck in your stomach and hold it in, as far as you can, for a minute or so. MG set the intention to do the "Vacuum" twice a day, a few minutes at a time, for seven days straight. The purpose is simply to illustrate just how quickly The DAYS go flyin' by. Whatever small behavior or exercise you may be