

"The greatest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams." Oprah Winfrey In this episode we expand upon Oprah's insightful observation. What could be a greater adventure than pursuing the life of your dreams? You might say something like, "The best use of my life is to serve the homeless, starving and underprivileged." Such a response would only reaffirm, THE QUEST.. Thoreau put it this way, "If one advances confidently in the direction of their dreams and endeavors to live the life they imagined, they will meet with a success in common hours." "Advancing confidently" toward your dreams is, as Oprah so brilliantly put it, THE great adventure. It is THE QUEST.  As a creature—a creator—arguably this is WHY you're alive, to pursue the life of your dreams. This is your preeminent adventure—it is THE QUEST! MG overlays Joseph Campbell's, "The Hero's Journey" as a reference point and shares his favorite definition of success: "Creating your ideal future." Ultimately, ALL of these ideas intersect