

"Nobody can create their ideal future any faster than one day at a time." We last covered "LOST" as a Mind-Bullet to underscore the concept that feeling "lost" is often far more about not knowing where you want to go and less about not knowing where you are. Since life is highly dynamic, the experience of feeling "lost" is universal. In today's episode, we revisit the concept from the vantage point of two prior episodes: The QUEST and The PATH! Once we subscribe to the idea that our great Quest is to create our ideal future, we can simply ask ourselves each night, before retiring: "Was I on the PATH today? If intelligence is goal-directed behavior, then it's imperative to strive for the most important goals. Since few goals are more important than creating your ideal future, the sensation of being "LOST" confirms that you're not on the PATH. The moral is clear: Being "LOST" may seem frustrating, but it's an important and valuable awareness that can lead you toward your ideal future. Enjoy the episode! Habits