

"Here's some 'realism' for you: You're rotating around the sun at 67,000 mph as the Earth spins at 1,000mph ...You're in the middle of a miracle sandwich." Realism comes in many forms. Is it realistic that if you jump off a 10-story building you'll hit the ground—"splat!"? Absolutely! Don't do that! But what about when it comes to setting and pursuing your goals and ideals? A recent comment on The Habit Factor's Facebook page said, "I prefer to set 'realistic' goals." When it comes to your goals, be careful what stories you subscribe to about what is "realistic". Steve Jobs was famously known for his "reality distortion field." When lead engineers at Apple told him something was "impossible", he refused to accept that as the final answer. Instead, he challenged the story. Engineers told him the Mac could not boot any faster; ultimately, it booted 3x faster. When they told him it was impossible to develop a phone with just one button, he challenged them. Today's iPhone model has no buttons. When it comes to y