

Chances are very good that your greatest problem at this moment could become your greatest asset in the future! "How can I use this?" That's a question you ought to develop the habit of asking. It can be an incredibly valuable question. Chances are very good that the biggest problem you are facing right now may represent your biggest opportunity and future breakthrough. Are you "poor," perhaps having a hard time making money? Terrific! How can you use that? Are you having a problem gaining and keeping friends? Terrific! How can you use that? Are you overweight and out of shape? Terrific! How can you use that? The fact is, your current problems and weaknesses are excellent opportunities in disguise—if approached with the proper mindset, encapsulated in the 3 R's. ResponsibleIt's your problem. You own it, and nobody is going to solve it for you. Resourceful You are a creature—a creative individual who is capable of coming up with novel solutions! Resilient Failure is just an opportunity to begin anew,