

"Give someone just 30 seconds, and if they're being honest, they can tell you the one or two skills that, when crafted to excellence, could change their life." Last week's episode, How Can I Use This?, was all about the 3 R's—being Responsible, Resourceful, and Resilient. This week, MG explores a concept he learned when training for his first Ironman: limiters. The Ironman is a triathlon comprised of three separate skills (in order): Swimming, Cycling, and Running. In Going Long!, a great book that was recommended to MG, the author advises focusing most of your training time on your key limiter—that is, the one weakness likely to hold you back or most significantly impact your finish. For MG, the limiter was obvious right away: running! Accordingly, he spent 80% of his training time trying to improve his running technique—his limiter. By doing this, he became a better runner, and the conditioning the running provided became a nice overlap effect for the other two events, swimming and cycling. You can