

"If work expands to fill the time allotted, then you can count on 'stuff'  expanding to fill the space allotted." Aristotle once observed, "Nature abhors a vacuum." This week, MG combines A's brilliant observation with Cyrile Northcote Parkinson's "law," known as "Parkinson's Law" — "Work expands to fill the time allotted." The resultant corollary: "Stuff expands to fill the space allotted." To illustrate his point, MG shares a couple of quick stories from his home: "The Drawer of Death" and the "Closet of Death." While nobody actually died in either, these spaces are consummed with "STUFF"! They are filled with everything, and yet, whenever you go looking for something, you can't find it. The reason for sharing this? YOUR MIND is the drawer and closet—your mind is SPACE to be filled. While keeping an 'empty' mind is a noble pursuit, it's impossible for extended periods of time. Even the awareness of possessing an empty mind, paradoxically, produces a thought, which proves it cannot be empty! The beauty is,