

"Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such."~Henry Miller What's the main difference between "successful" people and "failures"? Arguably, it's that they've simply compiled more daily "wins" over their lifetime than loses. It's actually a bit more nuanced than that, as any given day may provides critical defining "moments". What's an example of a critical defining moment? Let's say someone or something disappoints you. Now you're angry and frustrated. How are you going to respond? Each moment presents a bifurcation point; an opportunity to stay on the path or, to fall off the path. In short, "successful" people stay on "the path" from one moment to the next, more often than not. How do they do that? To stay on The PATH (prior episode), they respond rather than react! When problems arise, expectations are dashed, in short, when "sh*t happens", "successful" people choose to respond better;  more positively, most of the time. It's the "unsuccessful"—the ones that react emo