

"Golf is a game of inches and the most important are the six inches between your ears." ~Arnold Palmer Much like golf, LIFE is often a game of inches. It's the "six inches" betwen our ears that we tell ourselves all sorts of stories. Stories about ourselves and the world at large. These stories tend to reveal themselves in our decisions, actions and results. At any given moment, one could be telling themselves an infinite number of stories. Yet, most of us aren't too discerning about which ones consume our attention. Almost all breakthroughs in goal achievment and personal tranformation, including habit change, begin with a new and different story. Further, the listerner is challenged to listen to which stories they 'play' habitually (on autopilot), and how those stories have impacted their life. More "tweener" episodes are on the way. Stay subscribed and be sure to checkout the new YouTube Channel. Grab your H2G ALL-TIME Top Download PDF!