Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast With Martin Grunburg | Goal Achievement, Productivity & Success Simplified

The Accordion Method: How to Improve Productivity & Creativity



"The successful person is just the average person, focused." Why are deadlines important? Deadlines create pressure. Pressure creates focus and concentration, which are essential components of productivity and creativity. The accordion method, much like the whimsical musical instrument, works by creating pressure and then releasing it. The accordion is a terrific model for how anyone can intentionally use pressure to be more focused and productive. The challenge for many people is that they don't appreciate the value of pressure, largely because it creates discomfort. Thus, few people impose deadlines on themselves. Many believe life is already too pressure-riddled—adding more pressure would be too stressful. The interesting thing is that, without controls and constraints, such as deadlines, human energy is boundless and unfocused. That doesn't mean you never get tired; it means you're not directing your energy with focus and concentration upon a goal or target. Goals, targets, and milestones create pressure