

"If I gave you $1,000 to track 3 habits for one day could you do it? Everyone knows that they could!" Martin recaps seven notable and common mistakes people make when trying to develop new habits. #1) They forget IT'S A PROCESS! Unfortunately, many believe habit tracking is an ALL or nothing proposition! "It doesn't matter if you've failed 163 times, you are experimenting—keep trying!" #2) They simply put a dot next to the habit and move on! When it comes to habit tracking, do NOT do what 99% of habit trackers recommend...simply put a dot and move on. Don't do that! Search: "P.A.R.R. Plan, Act, Record & Reassess and The Habit Factor" #3) They focus on THE NEGATIVE HABIT. Put your energy and focus into cultivating the NEW habit! Put more time and attention on the new habit that should replace the old one. #4) They do not understand what a "Tracking period" is. People do not understand the significance of "Tracking Periods" and exactly HOW LONG THEY SHOULD BE TRACKING! How long do you think you shou