

“Once she arrived at her ideal destination – her goal – she realized it wasn’t what she wanted after all.”A young lady recently confessed that she felt “almost lost” and lacked motivation.Ironically, she felt that way after reaching an important goal.It turns out, she lacked motivation for two reasons.First, the goal’s reality didn’t match expectations.Second, she was struggling to identify what she wanted to pursue next.She found it difficult to get clear on her next ideal outcome – goal.Further, she wanted some assurance that her next goal would be more rewarding.Moving forward, she agreed that she’d:1) Accept that there are no guarantees in the pursuit of any goal.  2) Appreciate how each “wrong” turn provided new information and guidance.3) Forgive herself rather than beat herself up for "wasting time.”With a new perspective, it was easy to notice how her lack of motivation sprung from her inability to become clear on a new exciting new goal. Enjoy the show!Go premium today! One idea, one shift, total tra