Mindset By Design: Nlp | Self Improvement | Health | Wealth | Happiness. World-class Mind-hacks For Peak Performance

Episode #111: The Untold Secret To Conor Mcgregor & the world-class mindset you can have In Less Than Ten Minutes



Summary: Ask yourself this... Imagine if you could take a fighters confidence, belief in themselves and drive into your own business and life? I wanted to do my best to take you into the world of possibly the most famous Martial Artist in the world right now. Conor Mcgregor. He just won the UFC Lightweight championship, which YES, is amazing, but that is not what I wanted to focus on. I wanted to show you from beginning of his career to him winning the belt, his thought process, belief and even the Law of Attraction that he speaks about, and show you how to apply that mindset by design into your business. You see, Conor is not just a fighter, he is also a marketer, a salesman, a showman, a world-class professional athlete. When you can start to see through his eyes, it makes you begin to understand that as humans we are all passionate about very different things, yet the way someone who is world-class thinks across any area of life and business, are very similar. People WIN for a reason, it is the way they th