Mindset By Design: Nlp | Self Improvement | Health | Wealth | Happiness. World-class Mind-hacks For Peak Performance

Episode #123: The Hottest Ways to be Rich, Happy and Driven. Discover the beliefs that work instantly with Hither Mann



Episode #123: The Hottest Ways to be Rich, Happy and Driven. Discover the beliefs that work instantly with Hither Mann Did you feel like this growing up? Were you told rich people were different? Money was bad? Rich people have done something wrong to get the money? They are different from us? I dont know about your family, but that is exactly the world I grew up in. It is so strange to look back and truly understand that the people who told you that, were simply people looking at the world through a certain filter around money, and that because they didn't have any, they thought that no one else could either! Crazy, really isn't it ha I have worked very hard over the years to really see the world differently, let go of all the old patterns that have held us back, were just from people who couldn't change their beliefs that they got taught as a kid. Isn't nice to know that they were wrong :) One of the people that I bring around me on this journey called life, is also the first person who recorded on the po