Mindset By Design: Nlp | Self Improvement | Health | Wealth | Happiness. World-class Mind-hacks For Peak Performance

Episode #240: The 5 Steps That No One Is Teaching To World-class Performance



Episode #240: The 5 Steps That No One Is Teaching To World-class Performance What I cover... 1. The true meaning of Mindset By Design 2. The Neuroscience difference 3. Why Yoga is only the first step 4. Brain Wave Power 5. Becoming a world-class performer So different to what the average coach understands. Which is why I Mentor to create results. PRESS SUBSCRIBE. WRITE A REVIEW & SHARE WITH 1 PERSON  WATCH VIDEO:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwZtrRSrdAc P.S. Whenever You're ready Here are 3 ways I can help you and your business: 1 Personal Mentoring with Andy. (apply for a chat) https://mindsetbydesign.co/coaching   2 NEW FREE TRAINING: Get Any Online Business to Profit Without Changing 
Anything About It... https://8figurethinker.com   3 Now only $7 Brain Training Audio:  https://www.worldclassperformer.co/yes   Also check these out :) https://mindsetbydesign.co/business-brain-diagnosis https://www.facebook.com/groups/mbdacademy http://mindsetbydesign.co/testimonials   Listen, Subscribe and