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Episode #244: The home office tried to deport me while I was in a Coma (Bhavani Esapathi)



Bhavani Esapathi is a very special human, going through a life or death situation. In this interview we go deep into what happened, what the on going battle is, and how she is able to be so brave each day, confident and focused. Politicians, journalists and one of the biggest news paper in the world made this story go viral in the UK media. P.S. Whenever You're ready 1 High Performer?? Dip to Bounce back to Rocket Fuel performance https://mindsetbydesign.co/coaching    BHAVANI LINKS Crowdfunding: https://www.theonlybe.com/ there’s a donate button to the left   Independent articles (in order of publication):   https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/uk-immigration-deportation-woman-coma-home-office-crohns-disease-bhavani-espathi-a8903271.html   https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/woman-coma-deportation-home-office-visa-bhavani-esapathi-a8943446.html   https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/home-office-deportation-leave-to-remain-bhavani-esapathi-a9053841.html (written by me)   Cha