Modern Change Management

#35 'Changing the world through small, consistent actions' with Sam Demma



What if everything you have ever learnt about change and social impact were totally wrong? In grade 12 Sam Demma had a high school teacher who convinced him that change and impact was not the result of massive shifts, but instead the outcome of committing to Small Consistent Actions. Sam is a 22-year-old professional speaker, avid reader and co-founder of the social enterprise, PickWaste. Due to his work with PickWaste, he was named one of the top 25 under 25 environmentalists all throughout Canada. He strives to spread a simple but powerful message, that small consistent actions will lead to massive changes. When Sam’s not picking up trash, you can find him reading, at the gym, or spending time with his family.All Business. No Boundaries.Welcome to All Business. No Boundaries, a collection of supply chain stories by DHL...Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySubscribe to upcoming YouTube channelSubscribe to new podcast channel SpodKast