Espresso English Podcast

10 ways to say "I'm busy"



Today I’ll teach you 10 different ways to say “I’m busy.” Many of us have busy lives these days, and that’s why I make my lessons “short and sweet,” so you can learn lots of English in little time.Today I’ll teach you 10 different ways to say “I’m busy.” Many of us have busy lives these days, and that’s why I make my lessons “short and sweet,” so you can learn lots of English in little time. I designed my Complete Program the same way – it includes more than 600 lessons, and each one takes just a few minutes a day. So you can still make GREAT progress towards English fluency, even with little time to study. There's only ONE WEEK LEFT to get the lowest possible monthly price! Even if your days are packed and your life is hectic, I know you can find 10 minutes a day to learn from Espresso English lessons  :-) Remember, you can travel far by taking small steps day by day – and you CAN reach your English goals by studying daily for a few minutes at a time. I look forward to helping you inside the Complete Pr