Delight Your Marriage

365-Are You the One Who Needs to Change? (3 Discernments)



"It's my spouse who needs to change."   If you've said this or thought are right.    So now, no need to listen to anything because there's nothing for you to do but wait around in a grumpy mood 'til your spouse decides to do something.    :)   Maybe there's another opportunity here.    Maybe we can be (as our team member Kyle says) "playfully curious" about this response.    Why do we assume it's all on our spouse?  What questions are we...  a-refusing to ask b-unaware that we need to be asking c-too distracted to think about it :) (Oh, was that your email/TikTok/IG/Facebook/text message notification that just went off? :P )   Today's episode is to help you honestly look at where your marriage is, and discern if and how your partner is the issue.   And, if and how, with playful curiosity, you might have an opportunity in your situation, as well!   Love & Blessings, Belah   PS If you want to see if we can help you in your marriage and honestly evaluate where you can work in your marriage, we inv