The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

Change Your Perspective! | Mohannad Ghannoum - 1631



In today’s episode of The Sales Evangelist, our host Donald Kelly meets with Mohannad Ghannoum to discuss the importance of changing your perspective, to become an even more effective seller. Mohannad’s Observations: Mohannad enjoys philosophy. He once listened to a philosopher discussing passion and purpose, and how to find it. According to this philosopher, there can be two reasons you’re not passionate about what you do: A.) You already have it or B.) You don’t know yourself well enough. Prior to this, Mohannad had worked for three years in sales but never found much success. He decided to dedicate himself FULLY to sales to determine whether or not it was something he was TRULY passionate about. What did Mohannad do? To discover his passion, Mohannad began to OBSESSIVELY study and take in every single thing he could about his career. He would read books, listen to podcasts, talk to seasoned sellers, etc., anything he could do to learn more. The idea behind this is simple: Mohannad was trying to get RESU