

On today's show it's Dr. Tom Incledon, a world-renowned expert in human health and performance is Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Causenta Wellness, where he’s bringing a unique approach to healthcare and cancer treatment that’s never been done before. They talk to Dr. Tom about his birthday (October 17), what to do to live a long time, use it or lose it, a closing window, linear models of periodization, global postural tone, Mark’s biggest fear, 100% of people asking the wrong questions, no two people are exactly the same, treating cancer, pancreatic cancer, movement is more important than nutrition, don’t lie down after eating, blackened red meat, ketogenic diets, and Magnus ver Magnusson!!!!! Before they talk to Tom, Rick tells Mark some BIG NEWS and they talk about some trouble Mark is having with the local Fox affiliate.  Thanks for listening!  STUFF THEY TALK ABOUT: Ask Dr. Tom Podcast 1800 Man Show The Simply Human Kids page The Simpl