

On today's show it's Dr Anthony Beck, founder of the Balance Protocol Institute, where he works with each of his patients to help them achieve a life of vitality based off of their unique biochemical individuality. They talk to Dr Beck about his background, an horrific affair, an upgrade, functional medicine, Balance Protocol, a starting point, 2358 framework, EMF, context cubed, burning in cancer hell, calcium signaling, an Arnold joke, the four factors, no one-size-fits all, PUFAs, qualify, quantify, measure and monitor, gettin’ his goat, tests don’t guess, don’t be dogmatic, and footgolf!  Before they call Dr Beck Mark tells Rick a joke and it devolves into wheeze laughing. Thanks for listening!  STUFF THEY TALK ABOUT: [email protected] The Simply Human Kids page The Simply Human MOMS page The Simply Human YouTube channel The Simply Human Facebook page Subscribe to the Simply Human Podcast on iTunes Listen to the Podcast on StitcherSu