Testtalks | Automation Awesomeness | Helping You Succeed With Test Automation

Automation Trends to Watch in 2023 with Joe Colantonio



Don't let your testing efforts fall behind — it’s time to prepare for the New Year. In this episode, I’ll share my insights about upcoming test automation trends from my popular Test Guild podcast interviews and my yearly Automation Guild survey. Discover the skills, best practices, and frameworks you need to know to stay employable in this ever-changing dev/test world in 2023. Don’t miss it! What To Do With These Trends So, one of the burning questions I’m getting asked based on subjects like this is, “Will AI replace me?”  Or will the current recession scare that’s looming on the horizon jeopardize my job? Look, no one can truly predict how things will turn out because that’s beyond our control. But in my 25+ years of field experience and humble opinion… What you CAN do is make sure you’re always armed & ready with the latest info on current tech. What you CAN do is stay up-to-date with industry know-how & relevant trends. You CAN always strive to improve your skillset & build a solid networ